War - What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.
There is only one reason one should enter into a war and that is as a defense against an invasion. Sort of like the people of Iraq fighting against the US invasion and occupation. Nothing else can be justified. Even after the supposed attack on the World Trade Center (most likely perpetrated by the US Government) there is little benefit in a counter attack. This is even more true in the so called "war on terrorism" where there is no country or government that can be held responsible. Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq in the end merely punish the innocent, resulting in civilian casualties and 'enemy combatants' being tortured and imprisoned indefinitely without charge or evidence.
While it is true that civilians were killed in the WTC attack, this does not justify killing civilians elsewhere to even the score. It was not the civilians that initiated the WTC attack so they should not be punished. What should happen is that the International Court must have the capacity to seek and arrest those directly responsible - Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush, Ehud Olmert, etc.
There is only one way the war on terrorism can be fought and won, and that is by eliminating the conditions under which such hate and hostility develop: inequality, poverty, etc. This can only be accomplished by eliminating, or at least softening, the forces of capitalism that pit people against each other and create an ever expanding gap between the haves and have-nots. This can be accomplished by genuine free and fair trade agreements, ending subsidies, and providing real development assistance.
War is not the answer, love is all there is.
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