Apuuli for President

This is what I will call my personal manifesto. It is basically what I believe in, and what I would fight for if I were president - or any other elected office.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Corporation

Several themes tonight. Jobs, Deficit, Taxes, the Future, and more.

Jobs: Corporations are making record profits, why are they not hiring? The free-market economy is NOT creating jobs!

Deficit and Taxes: I would love to see a smaller government. I would love to pay less taxes. But I do not want to see that happen on the backs of people who are struggling to put food on their tables, struggling to pay for essential live saving medications or medical treatment, or who are striving to start their own small businesses. Should our companies be paying the highest corporate taxes in the world? No. But should the oil companies be getting subsidies? No. Should loopholes be closed so that companies actually PAY their taxes? Yes. Is there room for cutting in government, yes, but of course that means job cuts. Is there room for entitlement cuts? No. Is there room for cuts in military spending YES!!! Lets be reasonable about our budget, deficit and taxes. We all would like more spending money in our pockets, but there are vital, and moral reasons for paying taxes for many government programs.

Furthermore... if corporations and republicans really want to push for free-markets, free-enterprise, allowing the markets to correct what ails us, at least be open about what we are buying! Let's have complete transparency in your decision making, your motivations, and why you think this product is the best product and what you have done to ensure that it is the best product on the market. Likewise for politicians, what are you getting from the lobbyists, and what are they getting in return? Let's open this up and have complete transparency! One can only wonder why Democrats support this notion and Republicans oppose it!

The Future: Obama made a great point about accepting the reality of today's job market. We cannot look back at manufacturing jobs, we must look forward. We must educate our children (and pay our teachers more), and we must become innovators once again. Children are the future and it is time we put a lot more investment in them.

Corporations: I am very anti-big corporation. Not because I am against the idea of big corporations, but because they have one goal in mind, making more money. Why is it that 60 years ago a company could make a refrigerator that would last 20, 30 even 40 years, and now we are recommended to get 2 or 5 year extended warranties for brand new products? Planned Obsolescence! Corporations are not looking to make great products, they are looking to make a fast buck. If you keep your fridge for 20 years, then they can't sell you another one in 5 years. If someone wants to sell me an extended warranty for their product, I don't want their product. If it cannot last even 2 years without breaking, they can keep it.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2010 Midterms in Retrospect

Yes the Dems got Shellacked.

Why did it happen and what does it mean?

#1. Why?
Was it because the Dems failed to produce any results? No. They produced health care reform, stimulus that saved and/or created millions of jobs, more in the last year than during the entire 8 year term of Bush.

Was it because they did not follow thru on promises? No. They got the US out of Iraq (for the most part), the house voted to repeal DADT, health care reform was completed, financial reform was enacted, and many other reforms that just didn't make the news.

Was it because the of the economy? maybe, but only because most people failed to recognize that not falling into a depression was a huge success of the Stimulus.

The reasons the Dems failed in 2010 was because they failed to effectively inform the public about what they managed to do despite an obstructionist, say no to everything GOP. They did not stay ahead of the message, they fell behind it, and the GOP took the lead in publicity and rhetoric. They failed because they were unable to counter the gross lies of the GOP about health care, about stimulus money and about Obama himself. And they failed to accurately depict the GOP for what they are: Corporate puppets.

#2 What it all means
So, what does this shellacking mean for Dems going forward? Not much. Yeah, they lost the house, but presidents typically have to operate with an opposition congress, so that is nothing new. The GOP will continue its obstructionist policy for the next two year. It worked for them before, why not go with what works. The Dems will sit back and try not to stir the boat too much for the next two years, so as not to give any credence to the new GOP majority, so basically we are looking at 2 years of not-much-gonna-happen.

In the broader picture, the two parties ebb and flow on a regular basis. Neither one is going anywhere. If the economy recovers, it will be up to the Dems or GOP to stake a claim on that recovery (my money is on the GOP, since most Americans don't pay enough attention to really understand how the whole economic system works).

#3 Tea Party
I think something needs to be said about this group. I am grateful for them, for helping to prevent further losses, including the Sentate. Racist, ignorant, and grossly misinformed they may be, but they did divide the GOP vote enough, and put enough idiots on the ballot to allow the Dems to keep the senate for at least two more years.

#4 Obama
Obama is a great president and he has done some great things. But a great communicator he is not. He failed to promote his successes and his many, many accomplishments. He clung to the bipartisanship idea too long, and allowed the GOP to get the upper hand in rhetoric. Doing things "the right way" took precedence over getting things done. And this hurt him, and the Dems.

#5 2012

What will happen in 2 years? Hard to say. If the economy rebounds, who will get the credit? If it fails, who will take the blame? The Dems need to position themselves and prepare for either situation. If the economy fails to recover, Obama will be out. If it does recover, the dems need to be able to claim responsibility for it. Otherwise you can be sure the GOP will take the Senate, and possibly the White House.

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

President Apuuli's Priorities have not changed (but one added)

Here are my priorities, and how Obama is doing on them so far.

1. An end to pre-emptive or offensive military strikes, bring ALL troops on foreign soil home, not just those in Iraq

2. Reduced, then eliminated, nuclear stockpile

3. Fully funded and truly equal education for all

4. Fully funded and equal health care for all

5. An end to corporate and all other special interest contributions to political campaigns (i.e. limit to government support and individual contributions ONLY)

6. A living wage

7. Salary caps (does anyone really need, or deserve, to earn more than 500K?) THANK YOU OBAMA FOR BRINGING ATTENTION TO THIS ON WALL STREET!

8. Environmental consciousness, renewable energy, an end to oil use (not just oil dependence) NOW, I CAN SEE THIS REALLY HAPPENING, THANKS OBAMA!

9. Truly equal human rights, with all gender, racial/ethnic, religious and sexual orientation differences removed, equal marriage rights, equal pay for equal time, equal access to all that accessable to others.

10. A foreign political and economic policy that is truly fair to everyone, without subsidies protecting American interests, without robbing Africa of its natural resources, and without meddling in the political affairs of other countries.

11. Fully fund the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

12. Fully fund Debt Forgiveness

13. Fully fund Millennium Development Goals, set up task force to meet these challenges

14. Support ONE, dedicate an additional one percent of our budget for international development

15. End USAID requirement that US products be used in US funded international development projects

16. End restrictions on AIDS funding requiring recipient organizations to specifically denounce sex trade workers and banning those that provide abortions THANK YOU OBAMA!!


18. Sign on to the World Court, without special status

19. End embargo of Cuba and allow trade and travel to that island.

20. Close Guantanamo (THANKS OBAMA!!!) and The School of the Americas!

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Friday, September 01, 2006

War - What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing.

There is only one reason one should enter into a war and that is as a defense against an invasion. Sort of like the people of Iraq fighting against the US invasion and occupation. Nothing else can be justified. Even after the supposed attack on the World Trade Center (most likely perpetrated by the US Government) there is little benefit in a counter attack. This is even more true in the so called "war on terrorism" where there is no country or government that can be held responsible. Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq in the end merely punish the innocent, resulting in civilian casualties and 'enemy combatants' being tortured and imprisoned indefinitely without charge or evidence.

While it is true that civilians were killed in the WTC attack, this does not justify killing civilians elsewhere to even the score. It was not the civilians that initiated the WTC attack so they should not be punished. What should happen is that the International Court must have the capacity to seek and arrest those directly responsible - Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush, Ehud Olmert, etc.

There is only one way the war on terrorism can be fought and won, and that is by eliminating the conditions under which such hate and hostility develop: inequality, poverty, etc. This can only be accomplished by eliminating, or at least softening, the forces of capitalism that pit people against each other and create an ever expanding gap between the haves and have-nots. This can be accomplished by genuine free and fair trade agreements, ending subsidies, and providing real development assistance.

War is not the answer, love is all there is.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage should be legal. Religious or moral considerations have no place in this debate. And certainly, custom or tradition are not viable arguments, else we would still have slavery and women would not be allowed to vote or work.

Gay marriage is above all a separation of church and state matter and no laws should be put in place that in any way deny the equal rights to the benefits (and burdens) of marriage.


I have decided to change this post, to simplify it considerably so as there is no confusion.

Abortion should be legal, period.

It should be legal to protect against back-alley abortions, it should be legal to save the lives of the mothers, it should be legal to terminate the product of rape or incest.

Abortion restrictions are moral objections, not civil ones. Abortion is not just a privacy issue, it is also, and perhaps more importantly, a separation of church and state issue.

What would i do if confronted with an unwanted pregnancy? That is irrelevant! That is my own concern, not the concern of anybody else.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Response to Feinstein Washington Report 4-5-06

Dear Senator Feinstein:

This actually covers the topics of your recent Washington Report.

I am pleased to read your interest in drawing down the troops in Iraq. I eagerly await the bill you must be drafting to reflect this. I think it is important to consider the possible sources of the increased sectarianism in Iraq. In a country which had minimal sectarianism before the US invasion, and which has upwards of 50% of its population in inter-sectarian marriages with a majority of citizens polling that they would accept a leader from any of the three major groups, I find it hard to believe that these divisions are not related to, if not instigated by, the US occupation. Please keep this in mind as you draft legislation to redirect the war in Iraq.

Please also take the lessons of this failed invasion and occupation into mind if/when any resolutions come before you seeking authority to invade or otherwise attack the sovereign nation of Iran. Iran, a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty, has every right to pursue a civilian nuclear program to generate energy. I find it disturbing that they are being targeted, while India, a country that is not a signatory, and which has developed and tested nuclear weapons, is now under consideration to receive US assistance with the development of their nuclear power industry.

Regarding Immigration Reform: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee haD proposed a very interesting piece of legislation that I have not heard much discussion on in the House or Senate. Perhaps you can consider her recommendations when debating the issue in the senate as they are very well thought out. I do not think increasing border security is a priority. People don't come to America because the simply want to, or because it is easy - it is no picnic - they come here out of desperation, to eek out some small means of taking care of their families. Building more walls, adding more security forces, outlawing tunnels will not stop the flow, it will only lead to increased criminalization of desperate people, increased loss of life by those willing to risk theirs to feed their families. A better solution is to make the necessary adjustments to NAFTA and other trade agreements to improve the lives of the people in their own countries so they have no need to come here in the first place. It is shameful that the neighbor of the wealthiest country in the world is so poor that its citizens risk their lives to leave it, so they can feed their families.

If you want to stop Global Warming, start by bringing some of the scientists that have been censored by the Bush administration before congress to give uncensored reports of the real state of the environment, describe the causes, the outlook and to help provide solutions. We must also become signatories to the Kyoto Treaty.

Your meth bill, now law, is a good one provided it doesn't result in mass imprisonment of meth users, but rather targets the meth manufacturers. There also needs to be support for those who are addicted to seek treatment. Jail cells do not treat meth, if anything they encourage the habit.


April 5, 2006

Welcome to the April edition of my Washington Report. I hope this newsletter keeps you informed about some of the important matters facing our State, our Nation, and the U.S. Senate.

In this edition, you'll find information about the following:

Iraq: Three Years After the Invasion
Toward Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Criminalizing Border Tunnel Construction
The Strong Economy and Climate Protection Act
Combating Our Nation's Meth Epidemic
If you have any comments or questions on these or any other issues, please don't hesitate to let me know. Please send any comments you have through my website.

Best wishes,

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein

Iraq: Three Years After the Invasion
In March, we marked the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. The country remains bitterly divided. Sectarian violence is on the rise. And civil war draws closer by the day.
If success depended solely on the United States military, the outcome of this war would never be in doubt. We have the finest armed forces in the world. But it has become clear that the only solution is political. So the time has come to transition the mission in Iraq. We must begin a structured downsizing of the American troop presence.

But success also depends upon our country’s political leadership making smart choices, and the Iraqis making the political compromises necessary to unite their country and defeat this burgeoning insurgency.

So the President must lay out a plan. He must urgently exercise the leadership necessary to bring Iraq’s political factions together. He must immediately inform the Iraqi people -- in no uncertain terms -- that they must get their political house in order. And the Iraqi government must step up to the plate as well.

To learn more, read: Speech by Senator Feinstein, Century City, California (3/22/06)

"Senator Blasts U.S. War Strategy; Rumsfeld Should Go, Feinstein Declares" in the San Jose Mercury News (3/21/06)

Toward Comprehensive Immigration Reform
It is estimated that there are as many as 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States today. The time has come for a comprehensive plan to secure our borders and address the large number of undocumented immigrants living in the United States in a realistic and humane way.

I believe that the bill recently approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee marks the first step forward in a difficult and consequential process to address this issue in a bipartisan fashion.

The bill also meets some very real needs of our economy, which cannot be ignored. The first of these is agriculture. California is the largest agricultural state -- the industry accounts for more than $37 billion in revenue in our state alone. This bill remedies that issue by establishing a new "blue card" program that, over the next five years, would enable 1.5 million workers who are working in agriculture now to gain legal status.

The bill also deals with a very difficult subject – the millions of immigrants who are not in the country legally. The Senate Judiciary bill brings these people -- already here and not returning -- out of the shadows. It enables them to embrace the American dream. And, I believe, it provides the only realistic option.

To learn more, read: Statement of Senator Feinstein in Support of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (3/30/06)

"The Immigration Debate: A Plan to Bring People Out of The Shadows," An op-ed by Senator Feinstein in the San Francisco Chronicle (4/2/06)

Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Feinstein Measure Establishing a Pilot Earned Adjustment Program for Agriculture Workers (3/27/06)

Criminalizing Border Tunnel Construction
The immigration reform bill approved the Senate Judiciary Committee also includes a provision to criminalize the construction or financing of a border tunnel.

In January, U.S. border officials discovered a secret half-mile long tunnel stretching from an abandoned warehouse near the southern border of California through to Tijuana, Mexico. This isn’t the first tunnel that federal agents have discovered, but it was the longest.

Our borders are our nation’s first lines of defense. However, since 9/11, as we have tried to secure our borders, others have intensified their efforts to enter the country. This is a serious issue not just for Border States, but for the entire country.

Surprisingly, there is no law on the books now that makes these tunnels illegal. It is in our national security interest that we find these tunnels and prosecute those who construct, finance or know about the construction or financing of these tunnels to the fullest extent of the law.

The need for this legislation is urgent and critical.

To learn more, read: Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Feinstein Measure to Criminalize Border Tunnels (3/27/06)

Senator Feinstein and 6 Colleagues Urge Mexico to Enact Legislation Criminalizing the Construction or Financing of Border Tunnels (3/16/06)

Senators Feinstein and Kyl Introduce Tough New Legislation Criminalizing the Construction or Financing of Border Tunnels (3/1/06)

Senator Feinstein Unveils Tough New Legislation Criminalizing the Construction or Financing of Border Tunnels (2/21/06)

The Strong Economy and Climate Protection Act
The clock is ticking on global warming. If we do not slow, stop, and reverse global warming soon, we will do irreparable harm to the world around us.

There are some who still want to fight the fights of the last century – is global warming real? Is it caused by humans? But the science is indisputable. Global warming is real. And it is making a huge impact.

So I am working on new legislation that offers one potential solution. It would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 516 million metric tons of Carbon Dioxide a year (a 7.25 percent reduction from today’s levels).

It would be the equivalent of taking 111 million passenger cars off the road every year. This would be a major step in the right direction.

Congress must step up to the plate and address global warming in a comprehensive way. I think this proposal makes an important contribution to the debate.

To learn more, read: Senator Feinstein Outlines New Legislation to Curb Global Warming, Keep Economy Strong (3/20/06)

Boxer, Feinstein Tell President To Let California Fight Global Warming (3/31/06)

Feinstein, Snowe, and 19 Colleagues Urge EPA to Allow California and Other States to Reduce Pollution That Causes Global Warming by Adopting Their Own Tougher Emissions Standards (3/31/06)

"Feinstein Takes Aim at Global Warming. Environmentalists Praise Proposal Targeting Immediate Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions" in the Oakland Tribune (3/21/06)

Combating Our Nation's Meth Epidemic
After many months of hard work, the Senate finally passed the Combat Meth Act as part of the USA Patriot Act reauthorization in March.

This is a major victory. It is the biggest breakthrough in combating the nationwide spread of methamphetamines in over a decade. All across the country cold medicines with pseudoephedrine will be placed behind the counter.

But the fight is not over. We passed a tough bill. Now we need to fund it.

That's why I joined with Senator Jim Talent (R-Mo.) to sponsor an amendment to budget $99 million to assist law enforcement in the fight against meth through the COPS Meth Hot Spots program.

This amendment was approved by the Senate in March. It is an important step forward in helping local and state law enforcement combat methamphetamine. The funding will help train state and local law enforcement to investigate and lock-up meth offenders. It also expands the funding available for personnel and equipment for enforcement, prosecution and environmental clean-up.

To learn more, read: Senate Approves Talent-Feinstein Amendment Providing Anti-Meth Funding For Law Enforcement (3/14/06)

Senators Feinstein and Talent Urge Greater U.S./Mexico/Canada Cooperation in Combating Meth Drug Trafficking (3/10/06)

President Signs Feinstein Anti-Meth, Port Security Legislation Into Law (3/9/06)

Thank you.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Nine more items for the future of our planet

In no particular order:

1. Fully fund the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
2. Fully fund Debt Forgiveness
3. Fully fund Millennium Development Goals, set up task force to meet these challenges
4. Support ONE, dedicate an additional one percent of our budget for international development
5. End USAID requirement that US products be used in US funded international development projects
6. End restrictions on AIDS funding requiring recipient organizations to specifically denounce sex trade workers and banning those that provide abortions
7. Ratify the Kyoto Treaty
8. Sign on to the World Court, without special status
9. End embargo of Cuba and allow trade and travel to that island.

(This had been posted on another of my blogs... not sure why it never made it here... )