Apuuli for President

This is what I will call my personal manifesto. It is basically what I believe in, and what I would fight for if I were president - or any other elected office.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

President Apuuli's Priorities have not changed (but one added)

Here are my priorities, and how Obama is doing on them so far.

1. An end to pre-emptive or offensive military strikes, bring ALL troops on foreign soil home, not just those in Iraq

2. Reduced, then eliminated, nuclear stockpile

3. Fully funded and truly equal education for all

4. Fully funded and equal health care for all

5. An end to corporate and all other special interest contributions to political campaigns (i.e. limit to government support and individual contributions ONLY)

6. A living wage

7. Salary caps (does anyone really need, or deserve, to earn more than 500K?) THANK YOU OBAMA FOR BRINGING ATTENTION TO THIS ON WALL STREET!

8. Environmental consciousness, renewable energy, an end to oil use (not just oil dependence) NOW, I CAN SEE THIS REALLY HAPPENING, THANKS OBAMA!

9. Truly equal human rights, with all gender, racial/ethnic, religious and sexual orientation differences removed, equal marriage rights, equal pay for equal time, equal access to all that accessable to others.

10. A foreign political and economic policy that is truly fair to everyone, without subsidies protecting American interests, without robbing Africa of its natural resources, and without meddling in the political affairs of other countries.

11. Fully fund the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

12. Fully fund Debt Forgiveness

13. Fully fund Millennium Development Goals, set up task force to meet these challenges

14. Support ONE, dedicate an additional one percent of our budget for international development

15. End USAID requirement that US products be used in US funded international development projects

16. End restrictions on AIDS funding requiring recipient organizations to specifically denounce sex trade workers and banning those that provide abortions THANK YOU OBAMA!!


18. Sign on to the World Court, without special status

19. End embargo of Cuba and allow trade and travel to that island.

20. Close Guantanamo (THANKS OBAMA!!!) and The School of the Americas!

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